My firstborn son is famous around our house for asking the same question over and over, about virtually everything… “Why Dad?” Sometimes I just want to give him a quick answer so that we can move on, and other times I don’t want to answer at all (any other parents feel me?)! But there are times where I answer in a deeper way to give him the reason for why something is the way that it is. Regardless, he is still searching for the root of the issue, or the motivation behind why that person did what he did, or why the caterpillar turns into a butterfly, or why milk sours when you leave it out of the refrigerator, or why there are consequences for breaking the rules. He is seeking not just to know about something, but to understand it – what a valuable life lesson for all of us!

Needing to know the why behind the what is vital for you as an employee of your organization. It’s one thing to show up to work simply on auto-pilot; you’ve learned WHAT to do and HOW to do it, but that’s it. This is borderline robotic, because you’ve been “programmed” to do something, carry out the task to completion, then move on to the next one. But it’s altogether another thing to show up work ready to engage with one another, with a positive attitude, a top-notch work ethic, and a drive to do your very best with every single task that comes your way. In other words, you’re working on purpose! When an employee behaves this way, it’s easy to see that they’ve learned the what and the how of their job, but more importantly, their WHY is on display through their actions and words.

  1. In your job, what motivates you? Can you name 3 factors right now that motivate you to be the best you can be? (HINT: you cannot say money)
  2. Do you process motivation internally? What about externally? What about both?
  3. What are your personal values? Do these values motivate you? Do they help or hurt your team?

Seek to understand, not just to know.

Turns out, you can’t help showing what motivates you, because when customers and co-workers watch and listen to you, it’s pretty easy to discern what’s going on inside. Did you know that your actions and words (or lack thereof) actually demonstrate what you believe? My hope is that you find your WHY in values, not just in your opinion.

Challenge: As you come to work everyday this week, remind yourself of what you love most about being on your team, say at least one thing you’re grateful for regarding your co-workers, and identify why you want to be the best employee you can be. Knowing your WHY will continue to develop and shape you, because you’ll stand out among others as someone who works with purpose, and on purpose! If you want to grow as a leader, apply these filters (gratitude and motivation) to your relationships with family and friends as well, and you’ll discover that when your motivation becomes more and more selfless, you’ll enjoy life so much more!