What Value Alignment Will Do For Your School

Most likely, you don’t have alignment. Too often we get sucked into the urgency of our jobs and lose sight of what’s truly important. Take any given teacher—besides actually prepping their lectures and teaching their content, they have behavioral issues to deal with, grading assignments, collaborative projects with other teachers, and not to mention after school duties that have nothing to do with their area of expertise. Even the best teachers, with the best of intentions, get blown away by the wind of urgency, or just get worn down.

Value alignment provides a common language to holding our staff accountable. It’s practical, and it’s the leadership stuff that’s not academic, but everyone knows it’s vital. I provide a framework and resource that allows people to share their values-based progress with each other, because there’s finally an overarching goal that unifies and motivates everyone on staff.

To not have this alignment might mean wasted resources, people moving in different directions, not knowing it. Instead, your teachers may just be “spinning wheels”--they’re less engaged, and as a result, declare a lower job satisfaction. They’re feeling obliged to complete tasks without any shared culture or feeling of teamwork. There’s a lack of communication, both top-down and bottom-up, without the shared language. Without that shared vision and direction, people resort to their own skillsets and devices.

Mark Rhodes — Values Alignment Consultant

Let's do something about it!

To get everyone on the same page, I assist in making an abstract value a concrete goal. I’m offering how to be your best everyday by living out your values. I’m giving you a secret handshake and theme song and the life skills to change your culture. It’s basically a social/emotional training for adults. It’s a skillset that will allow you to truly help those you’re serving.

I have a way to get your leaders and staff on the same page without re-inventing the wheel. I’m not another option of some training idea or educational strategy that may not impact everyone at the school. Instead, I take what’s most important—your mission, vision, and values—and I make a workbook so they can be aligned in their progress. This way, it really doesn’t matter what role an employee has in the organization. This experience and my leader book bring the Facilities Manager, the bookkeeper, the 8th grade Math teacher, and the Assistant Principal can now all be aligned with common language surrounding the school’s mission, vision, and values.


Shift from Urgent to Important Mindset

It's difficult to not focus on the daily urgencies of teaching and managing school functions, but they are often mere distractions. Aligning values allows you to prioritize your goals.

Create a Culture of Belonging

When your staff aligns to the same values, they develop camaraderie. They are reinvigorated when living out the values and coming alongside each other.

Provide Motivation and Inspiration to Your Staff

Sometimes the day-to-day grind of school faculty can be overwhelming. Add motivation and inspiration through value alignment.


Professional Development Workshops

Inspire your teaching staff with value alignment— a next level social emotional training.

Alignment Book

Mark will create a unique alignment book for your school, connecting and providing action steps between your values and goals.

Monthly Alignment Check-ups

Keep your goals in sight with monthly check-ins and updates with Mark.


I would highly recommend Mark to any staff or principal that is wanting to set a new vision and tone for the year. You will not regret partnering with Mark.

— Chas, Moultrie Middle School


“Accept responsibility!” Has anyone ever said that to you? Your parents or coaches? How about...